May 13 , 2022 10 Super Herbs For Your Pets Health Alfalfa: Reduces allergies Joint health, Good digestionMilk Thistle: Detoxifys your pets after prescribed medsHemp: Anti inflammatory, Immune Booster helps with allergiesChia Seeds: Healthy Cholesterol, anti inflammatory, liverprotectionSage: Skin and mouth infectionsBee Pollen: Anti-microbial, anti-fungal and anti-viral.Marshmellow Root: Low Grade Infections and Urinary TractTurmeric: Turmeric anti inflammatory Bowel and liver problemsCat Nip: Cat Nip Stress and anxiety reliefLicorice Herb: AntiinflammatoryPlease note, not all dogs can tolerate different foods. Please always check with your Vet. If unsure try small pieces at a time in your pets meals. Share this on: