"Equine Zen: Immune Recovery and Calming Support for Horses"

Whether you're into horse riding, horse deals or you simply love the horse in your life – Wag Tail Natural Hemp Blend is the ideal way to make your horse healthier.This carefully formulated horse feed supplement contains a unique prebiotic dietary fibre that  has been identified within Australian hemp seeds....

Whether you're into horse riding, horse deals or you simply love the horse in your life – Wag Tail Natural Hemp Blend is the ideal way to make your horse healthier.This carefully formulated horse feed supplement contains a unique prebiotic dietary fibre that  has been identified within Australian hemp seeds. Adding as little as 20 grams a day to your horses feed will improve the health of your horse’s gut. The result? Calmer horses, increased weight gain and optimised overall health and wellbeing. Less then $1 / day to help your horse have a healthy gut and therefore a healthy life!

Health Benefits

Overall health and well-being

Gut health and weight gain

Normalising mood

Improved immune function

And may reduce the occurrence of: Ulcers
Wag Tail Horse Hemp Blend is made from the fibre and protein from Australian-grown hemp seeds and blended using specialised equipment at a farm in Western Victoria.

There are no additives, fillers or other ingredients - just hemp seed protein, minerals and most importantly, the unique dietary fibre.

Support Australian brands and buy Aussie now.


The Moulin Blend helps with:

  • Overall health and wellbeing
  • Gut health and weight gain

  • Normalising mood
  • Improved immune function
And may reduce the occurrence of:
  • Ulcers


The Moulin Blend is made from the fibre and protein from Australian-grown hemp seeds and blended using specialised equipment at our farm in Western Victoria.

There are no additives, fillers or other ingredients - just hemp seed protein, minerals and most importantly, the unique dietary fibre identified by Plant Science.

Support Australian brands and buy Aussie now.
Directions and daily dosage

Week 1:

For best results, each day mix 3 scoops of The Hemp Blend with horse feed.

Subsequent weeks:

Reduce to 2 scoops of The Hemp Blend per day and mix with horse feed. If your horse has behavioural issues, remain on 3 scoops per day until their behaviour returns to normal, then reduce to 2 scoops per day.

For horses under one year old:

Use half of the recommended dose.


Why Should I Use Wag Tail Natural Hemp Blend?

Your horse’s digestive health plays a pivotal role in their overall health, wellbeing, metabolism, a strong immune system and performance. During times of stress or perhaps not managing our horse’ diets as well as we could be, will open the door for your horses to develop issues such as weight loss, behavioural problems and performance issues. Daily use of The Moulin Blend can both correct and prevent these issues happening by restoring your horse’s gut to optimal health. This will lead to a calmer horse, less separation and performance anxiety in your horse, balanced weight and a shiny coat.


How Soon Will I See a Result from Using Wag Tail Natural Hemp  Blend?

Probiotics add bacteria to the horse, whilst prebiotics like The Hemp Blend feed the current bacteria in your horse’s gut.  Research  suggests that the prebiotic approach is the most effective way of the two, to heal an unhealthy gut, and it will happen in 1-2 weeks.

How Long Will a 2kg Bucket of Wag Tail Natural Hemp Blend Last?

A 2kg bucket of The Hemp Blend using one week on 3 scoops and then 2 scoops from then on, will last:

  • 1 horse: 107 days
  • 2 horses 48 days
  • 3 horses: 28 days

Is this an Australian made product?

Good news for those who like to buy Australian – yes, this is a product of Australia. Australian owned and Australian grown by our all Australian team!

Is this suitable for a yearling?

Yes it is! Just make sure you adjust the feed rate – see Nutritional Information above.

Will this improve my horse's health in regard to hoof health, eye health etc?

We have trialled this product in number of horse stables involved with professional horse riding, adding The Hemp Blend to the horse feed of yearlings, older mares and everything in between. In addition to the improvements described above, we have seen improved horse health in many other aspects, including horse eyes, teeth and mane in addition to horse hoof health.

Does Wag Tail Natural Hemp Blend contain any CBD or THC that are banned by the FEI?

We have tested The Hemp Blend for both CBD ad THC. The results from a credited testing lab is called NIL DETECTED. This means there is no CBD or THC detected below the lowest standards on the machines currently used to detect cannabis molecules. 

Is Wag Tail Natural Hemp Blend swabbable?

We cannot use this term because it is an FEI term. But as we said above, we cannot detect any of the banned cannabis molecules like CBD or THC. But as with all equine supplements the decision to use them lies with you the rider.

Is this product suitable for animals used in horse riding?

Absolutely! It will make everyone's life easier – yours, the horse's and the person running the horse stables!

Is this horse supplement available at Horse Land or any other horse gear outlet?

Currently, you will not findWag Tail Natural Hemp Blend at Horseland, Equestrian Australia or from your local horse riding stables. However, we are open to wholesalers, and you can join us here or spread the hemp word https://wagtailnatural.com.au/pages/wholesale-1

Is this a good present for a horses birthday?

Yes it is! It's also ideal for owners of horse stables.


The Moulin Blend helps with:

  • Overall health and wellbeing
  • Gut health and weight gain

  • Normalising mood
  • Improved immune function
And may reduce the occurrence of:
  • Ulcers


The Moulin Blend is made from the fibre and protein from Australian-grown hemp seeds and blended using specialised equipment at our farm in Western Victoria.

There are no additives, fillers or other ingredients - just hemp seed protein, minerals and most importantly, the unique dietary fibre identified by Plant Science.

Support Australian brands and buy Aussie now.
Directions and daily dosage

Week 1:

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Yodi Our Goat

I would love another one for the goat!

So the biggest issue with Yodi, 19yo BoerAnglo Nubian x goat (aka bush goat) was lameness. Over this winter particularly she has shown increased arthritic symptoms. I tried her on 4cyte. It helped a little. I also noticed that due to the fact she was load bearing differently due to the arthritis and obvious pain that her hooves were growing off in different angles (and quickly ie increased fast growth of the hoof).

I did trim her with the help of my farrier and even with 4 cyte only minimal improvement. My next stop was painkillers and pentosan injections. (We had had a vet attend and that was next step).

I gave Yodi - 1 tbsp for the whole period. She definitely improved in her gait, seemed in much less pain - could get up easier and walk without limping. She ate the hemp with her food very easily.

She has been a week looked after goat, but obviously at 19 (which is a great innings for a goat) naturally you would expect arthritic changes.

I would love to continue her on this, so if I could pick up a bucket that would be fantastic.

Kind regards

Kelsey Fini

Roxy17yo Arabian

Roxy is a 17yo Arabian x stock horse who has spent 4 weeks on hemp powder supplement and I have noticed that it has relaxed her, and she is not so 'marey' towards other horses like she normally is. She doesn't like other horses close to her, and I have seen her go and stand with the other horses without making her usual loud dinosaur like roar.
Her winter coat is starting to come away, and she is looking shiny with some nice dapples coming through.

Kind regards,
Meaghan Tilley.

Moby On Hemp For Horses

Moby has been on the hemp for four weeks now. He was on 3 scoops once a day for 3 weeks (for the intention of supporting anxious behaviour related to floating) and following floating, was reduced to 2 scoops once per day. He was at a agistment place when commencing the trial and I had noticed in his behaviour that he had become a bit quiet and withdrawn from his usual self when I had visited him. Almost that he had been depressed. He had an episode of colic the week before the trial and had lost significant physical condition and weight. He found the powder palatable and easy to feed and there was no noticeable aversion to introducing the hemp to the feeds. One week since commencing the trial I noticed that he appeared brighter and more alert/responsive to my presence during visits and just generally more well in himself. The most noticeable difference was in experience of floating him after he had been on the hemp for 3 weeks. He is normally a bit of a challenge to load because of his anxiousness and fear in floating from a history of traumatic loading. He loaded with significantly less resistance and in much less time. I would say there was minimal difficulty at all and a 80% reduction in his anxiousness to load. I have floated him on 4 occasions in the last six months, the same distance and travel time and this was the least stressful and taxing for him. He recovered much faster in both his digestive system (loose stools related to fear) and in his behaviour in a new place- no pacing, calling out or anxious behaviours. His mood and behaviour continues to improve, he is no longer withdrawn and is bright and responsive without being “on alert”. He is back to how he was before he lost his paddock mate and went down to agistment. It’s hard to gauge if he has gained weight in the four weeks without weighing him (and given his age and how long it takes to regain condition lost in stress) though I’m confident his condition is steadily improving and will continue to do so. It’s also worth mentioning that he has been on a flat paddock for the last 5 months and has come back to live on the hills and whilst being a bit sore in the first two days adjusting to the slope, he recovered in his muscle soreness much quicker than his paddock mate who is half his age. I’m happy with the result and am very impressed with how it’s benefited him in his mood and anxious behaviour. Would recommend it for people to try with horses that have stress when travelling.

Instant Calming

I started Aria an OTTB 8 years of age on three scoops of the hemp powder for a week and then went down to two.

What did I notice? An almost instant calming effect on her. She is not a ridden horse but can be one good aggressive to other horses in the paddock. Usually happy to eat gay together but definitely not hard feed. She will chase, ears back, try to kill another horse! During the trial she was much more “sedate”. A friend whose daughter rides my pony, commented - “Aria’s very chilled today - what’s happened?” I said “hemp” she had a laugh and I said “no really”! 🤣

Aria was un-rugged this winter, due to my elbow injury and also I was testing I’d she could handle it. She did lose a bit of weight (but hard fed twice a day and hay roll). The before and after photos may not be a great indication of coat health, as she is shedding currently and very dirty, but there is a richness to her coat.

Another thing I noticed was that she always seems to lie/roll in ants nests!!! Normally she would come up in hives/welts. This time she didn’t. She had over 20 bites on her neck - still produced serum and crust but no hives as such or heat etc.

So as an anti inflammatory it seemed to work?